For the Workplace

Our workplace workshops combine art and mindfulness to help employees reduce stress, nurture self-care, increase creativity, and deepen connections within teams.

Book us for your next workplace wellness retreat, lunch & learn or team-building event!

Our Programs will help your team:

  • Employees engage in collaborative art projects and mindfulness exercises that encourage deeper connections within teams. Our creative and mindfulness activities promote open communication, mutual understanding, and a shared sense of purpose among colleagues. By participating in these joint creative endeavors, individuals learn to appreciate each other's unique perspectives, fostering a more cohesive and supportive team environment.

  • Our sessions encourage participants to focus on the present moment, channeling their attention to the creative process. Through this combined approach, individuals learn to embrace the present, reduce mental clutter, and heighten their awareness, promoting improved focus and concentration in their daily tasks.

  • Our workshops offer a blend of artistic expression and mindfulness practices that serve as effective stress-reduction tools. Employees learn relaxation techniques, such as mindful painting or drawing, breath work, and writing practices that promote a state of calm and tranquility. The fusion of art and mindfulness aids in managing stress and nurturing overall wellness, offering a creative outlet for individuals to decompress and rejuvenate.

  • Employees gain tools to identify and address burnout and compassion fatigue. By engaging in creative activities combined with mindfulness practices, individuals learn self-care techniques, boundary-setting strategies, and stress-management skills. This approach helps mitigate the risks of burnout and compassion fatigue by fostering a work culture that emphasizes the importance of mental and emotional well-being.

  • Our workshops stimulate creative thinking among employees. Through art-based exercises and mindfulness practices, participants explore and unleash their creative potential. These activities foster a mindset of innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, encouraging individuals to approach challenges with fresh, creative perspectives. This integration of art and mindfulness empowers teams to explore new avenues for problem-solving and innovative solutions in the workplace.

Interested in Hosting an Expressive Arts Event for Your Team?

Fill out the Form Below.